10 tips to brighten your day
- Give someone a complement. It brightens not only the other person’s day, but makes you feel good for doing so.
- Go for a 20 minute walk outside. If you can, find a place to take your shoes off and connect with the earth. This will rejuvenate your soul.
- Make a list of 10 small things you are grateful for. Remember, the best things in life, aren’t things.
- Meditate for 10 minutes. Allow the mind to relax. Surrender to what it does – watch the thoughts as they glide away.
- Eat something healthy. Organic fruits and vegetables provide the nutrients needed for a healthy body.
- Call an old friend and let them know you were thinking about them.
- Thank someone for doing their job well.
- Listen to your favorite song and dance.
- Read a beautiful poem.
- Smile to relax your face. It actually takes more muscles to frown.