Your Body Health is Back!
The article follows the advertisement below for a fantastic weight management program:
A Way Of Life (AWOL)
Weight Management Program starts In January!
FREE introductory seminars!!! Mark your calendar to attend a free introductory seminars of AWOL Weight Management Program (see below) – a medically supervised get healthy and energized weight reduction program that will teach you how to attain and maintain your ideal body weight for a lifetime.
- January 6, 2014 from 5:30 – 6:30 pm
- January 13, 2014 from 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
The program begins on January 20, 2014, so you can drop those extra pounds before spring.
Don’t delay, spaces are limited, so call 928-515-2363 to reserve a spot so you can learn more about the AWOL Weight Management Program – you are worth it! Call today!
Getting Your Body Health Back
I used to go through life with the attitude that my body better keep up. After surviving a major health issue, I am now filled with gratitude and respect for my body since it provides the means for which I experience life. – Anonymous
Women give so much and we are gifted in our ability to do so! Our wombs have an incredible ability to foster the development of new life and our nurturing capabilities, both physically and psychologically go far beyond any other species on the planet. The health of our bodies shouldn’t have to suffer as a result! Fortunately, there are steps you can take to get your body health back!
Weight Management:
The topic of weight management surpasses all others in books, product lines and health related issues. The question is how do you choose a program that will work for you? Here are some factors to consider:
- Is this something I can do for the rest of my life? If the program is promoting the use of weight loss supplements, injections, laser/ultrasound treatments or manufactured/processed foods to eat, you can be sure that it is a temporary fix and more likely than not, you’ll gain the weight back and more when it’s discontinued.
- Is the program teaching and enabling my effort to improve health? It’s impossible to lose fat tissue if the body is suffering with dis-ease. Muscle tissue is more energy efficient to burn than fat tissue. Since the body’s priority is survival, it conserves energy by preferentially burning muscle tissue in times of stress or dis-ease.
- Is the program flexible and adaptable to any lifestyle? If you’re on the go, you need a program that will teach you how to eat in restaurants as well as how to prepare healthy quick-fix meals.
- Is the program evaluating your individual obstacles to fat reduction? There are many health conditions that inhibit weight loss, including hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, heavy metal toxicity, hormonal and neurotransmitter imbalances.
A good program will evaluate your individual health; provide information on how foods and food combinations affect metabolism; address the emotional aspects of eating; provide information on the most effective fat-burning exercises; and explain how to make healthy food choices, avoid environmental toxins, and especially how to eat to allow the body to burn fat tissue rather than muscle tissue for a lifetime of health.
Incontinence Issues:
Female urinary incontinence: Normal daily activities, aging and childbirth can contribute to an inability to control urine flow, which is termed urinary incontinence. Unplanned release of urine, whether it occurs in small drops or a larger volume, can occur infrequently or on a daily basis.
Stress incontinence refers to leakage when you laugh, cough, sneeze or exercise. Urge incontinence refers to urinary urgency or rushing to the bathroom. Because our nurturing apabilities enable our tendency to ignore our own little inconveniences we often think of leaking as an acceptable consequence of childbirth or as a normal part of aging. Leakage is not a normal and should not be tolerated because it can affect the way a woman feels about herself and can cause depression or social isolation.
Historically, treatments have included pharmaceutical drugs and surgery; both have a plethora of side effects. However, there are effective, non-invasive treatments that enable control over urine flow and urgency through the combination of muscle stimulation and pelvic floor training.
Fecal Incontinence: Many women experience bowel leakage in addition to urinary incontinence. A study by the National Institute for Health concluded that 1 in 10 women experience bowel leakage in the US. People who live with fecal incontinence experience a great deal of isolation due to involuntary loss of gas, liquid or solid stool.
Most interventions are invasive, requiring surgical procedures with only modest success rates. However, there is a treatment option that utilizes muscle stimulation to improve sphincter closure and strengthen weakened musculature.
The treatment involves a medical device that utilizes electrical stimulation via a tampon-like device and/or a rectal probe. Many of the devices also provide biofeedback and guided exercise to rehabilitate pelvic floor muscles all within the comfort and privacy of your home.
Ask your doctor about urinary or fecal incontinence treatment devices to regain control because it’s time to nurture yourself and get your body back!
The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be used as medical advice or as a substitution for medical care provided by a licensed medical doctor.
Cheryl Hamilton, NMD, began her career in healthcare 32 years ago. She earned a B.S. degree in Nutrition, worked in the health and fitness industry, and raised four children before attending the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine to become a Naturopathic Medical Doctor. She holds A Way of Life Weight Management Program three times a year and is continually searching for state of the art integrative therapies to enable health improvement. Her office is at 8363 E. Florentine Road, Suite C, in Prescott Valley. For more information, call 928-515-2363, or go to www.healthandhealing.center.